Status or item Passwords The ''password'' screen can be accessed from the main menu and the passwords can be entered there. Passwords can be obtained in game for completing a certain set action or obtaining a certain set of items.
Password: | Result: | PSPR VRBV U2DT RFIZ | All Items | KJW4 D4O2 EIEC B44P | Day zero at level 6 with everything. | DY31 LXDY W45X TGJX | Defeat Dracula | EXKM WSUW 532U UWBG | Dracula in under 5:12:0 | OFIT M5QX 1P5S QBQA | Dracula's Rib, Chain Whip, and Blue Crystal | SZMH QXE1 5PXW UESE | Dracula's Rib, Chain Whip, Blue Crystal, and Dracula's Heart | TIRH DYDZ 405V 81B1 | Dracula's Rib, Chain Whip, Blue Crystal, Dracula's Heart, Dracula's Nail, Flame Whip, and Red Crystal | 7MEF 0VFT 151Z Y2Z5 | Fight Dracula | MLIE WUCW VNKU SCBC | Ring and Cross | OZKQ EXY1 WH4S REQA | Start at Level 6 w/ a Red Crystal | DINT XXDY 445X V3ZX | Start game with all items and full experience | OFIC M5YX XD4C Q3AA | Thorn Whip and Holy Water | RIG7 NVFX E45V 07BT | View 1st Endings | OYZY UQAU R12S SMIA | View 2nd Ending | C1DF O26D L1KN SWJK | View 3rd Ending |